Before Trisha and I got married, I used to
think of soup as whatever Campbell's can was in my parent’s cupboard. I first
want to say about these canned soups, kids have it so easy now-a-days. When I
was young we didn't have the nice convenient pop tops with the pull
tabs they have today. We didn't even have an electric can opener. We had the
cheap metal one with the wings on it you had to crank by hand and it literally
took five minutes to get the one can open because you could never get the
cutting blade to sit just right on the lip of the can. It would often slip off
or you would get it where no matter how hard you cranked on those wings the
thing just wouldn't turn. Sometimes I would get so frustrated I would just get
the can open half way and call it good, go grab a butter knife and bend the lid
open enough for that extremely salty Chicken broth to pour out with those
terrible little, bigger than spaghetti but smaller
than fettuccine hybrid noodles to flop out along with two little
chunks of chicken. And no matter what preparations I made, the flop out of the
can would always create little splatter spots on the counter for me to clean
was a chore to eat soup and it really wasn't worth the time because the only
time any of that soup, chicken noodle especially, tasted good was when I was
sick. These kids today have it so easy. Pop a tab up and Pull. That's it! No
mess what-so-ever. Just dump the soup in a bowl and throw the can in the
recycle or trash bin. Also, today there are about 450 different choices from
Progresso, Campbell's, Ramen, etc. We had Chicken Noodle, Tomato, or Vegetable,
that's it. Kids just don't appreciate how easy they have it. I think soup is to
blame for so many kids today feeling entitled. The frustrations with soup made
me the man I am today! Kidding of course, but its examples like this that make
me appreciate the little things in life.

Now days though, I can't complain because I married such an awesome woman. I
actually have it easier than these entitled kids. I grab a ladle, dip it in
soups like the one you see in the picture, and put it in a bowl. I then plunge
my spoon into it getting heaping chunks of potatoes mixed with cheese, onions,
garlic, and pepper, a touch of salt and, as with most dishes, the most
important ingredient, love! Campbell's chunky soup has nothing on Trisha's
homemade Cheesy Bacon Potato Soup. This is another recipe that really is just
as easy as it looks. It takes some preparation time and a little time to cook
of course, but you’re going to get twenty times as much soup as what you would
pay in the store for the previously mentioned cans of soup. Well, except Ramen,
but c'mon, that stuff will kill you quickly and it doesn't even hold a candle
to the soup you see before you. I encourage you, if you’re on a budget or have
a big family, or don't have a ton of time and need something simple, easy, and
jam-packed full of flavor, try Trisha's soup. Don't forget to let us know what
you think and Like us on Facebook. You can also sign up for E-Mails and you can
be notified every time we post, and you can follow us on twitter
@SheCooksIShoot. Enjoy!
6 Tablespoons Unsalted Butter
1 1/2 Cups chopped Onions
1 1/2 Cups chopped Celery
32 Oz of Chicken Broth
8 Potatoes
1 Slices of Bacon per Bowl
2 Cloves Garlic
8 Slices American Cheese
Broken into pieces
2 Cups ShreddedCheddar
(or Co/Jack)
4 Tablespoons all purpose flour
1 Cup Milk
1 Cup Water
2 Tablespoons chopped fresh Parsley
1 Teaspoon Garlic Powder
- 1 Teaspoon Sea
- 1 Teaspoon Pepper
- 1 Teaspoon Zenders Chicken Seasoning
Or use any CHICKEN seasoning. DONT USE
POULTRY SEASONING as alternative
How to Cook:
1. Melt butter in large pot over medium heat. Saute Onions,
Celery, & Garlic Cloves in the butter for 5 or 10 minutes or until tender.
2. Stir in Water, Chicken Broth, and potatoes, bring to boil and
then simmer until the potatoes are Tender. Add the cheese and stir until
melted. Add Garlic Poweder, Salt, Pepper, Chicken Seasoning, stir in. Fry up
Bacon in separate pan.
In separate small bowl, combine flour and milk and stir well until flour is
mostly dissolved. Pour this into the soup slowly, stirring constantly until
soup has thickened, about 5 minutes. Garnish with fresh parsley.